- How can I join this wonderful initiative?
First, you have to learn more about the initiative, its vision, aims and activities. Then, you have to study the structure of the project to understand the different ways to participate. These include (but are not restricted) for example the following roles:- Core Participants
- Shadow Participants
- Mentors
- Sponsors These are only the formal roles. You may have your own ideas how to participate and contribute to the effort to make this world better. In that case you must contact us with your ideas.
Support this initiative financially
- I wish to make a financial contribution to this wonderful initiative. How can I do this?
This is very admirable and we are very thankful to your support and belief to this initiative. You may proceed to the PAGE.
- If this project is funded by the United Nations Democracy Fund why do you ask for additional financial contributions?
Indeed, this particular initiative is supported by the United Nations Democracy Fund with $200,000. Our vision is however to extend the project to more parts of the world and to engage all those people like yourself in changing the world. We have also decided that the engagement of masses in the process must also include a dimension by which they express in a more tangible way their commitment to this change. Even a $5 contribution is an explicit way of democratizing even the financing of the envisioned change.About the Reinventing Democracy in the Digital Era Initiative
- Who is the initiator and who is funding this initiative?
The Reinventing Democracy in the Digital Era project is an initiative of a civil society organization based in Cyprus but operating globally called Future Worlds Center. The initiative has been launched under the generic title Reinventing Democracy in 2012 with four smaller projects implemented in Europe with European Commission funding. This global and quite ambitious phase is being funded by the United Nations Democracy Fund.
- What is the aim and goal of this initiative in a few words?
The aim of this initiative is to increase youth participation in democratic governance by empowering young people from across the world to invent and propose new, innovative and concrete actions.- About 100 young people (20 per global region) will contribute ideas face-to-face during five Co-Laboratories engaging ICT and structured democratic dialogue methodology.These group of 100 is referred to as Core participants.
- More than 1000 additional participants, referred to as Shadow Participants, will also contribute their ideas concerning characteristics of innovative new systems of governance and actions designed to achieve progress towards that end using virtual telecommunication technologies such as short video clips published in YouTube™ explaining their suggestions. The management of both the video recording and uploading as well as the written clarification of an idea will be done using a mobile App (or equivalent desktop computer software) called IdeaPrism.
- What is the objective of this initiative?
The objective of this initiative is to strengthen communication and collaboration among youth across the world using structured dialogue, new innovative ICT-based solutions and tools to find common ground for increased participation.
- What are the expected outcomes and/or deliverables of this initiative?
The key outcomes include:- Structured youth dialogue has capacitated and empowered youth,and strengthened the level of engagement among youth across the world.
- Social media is increasingly used in advocacy efforts to strengthen the voice of youths across the world.
- Increased number of globally produced tools to strengthen youth participation in democratic processes.
- What are the main activities of the project?
The key activity are the regional Structured Democratic Dialogue Co-Laboratories where 100 youths will create action plans and lay the foundation to coordinated action such as a jointly authored e-book for change, a Manifesto for 21st Century and video clips “50 Proposals for Action”. To build on the result from the Co-Laboratories and to ensure sustainability and effective implementation of the action plans, regional and global webinars will be arranged among the participants. Finally, five project proposals proposed by the participants will be awarded with a grant.About this Wiki
- Is this the only website for this initiative?
- Why did you choose to use the MediaWiki platform as website space for this initiative?
Because it is a collective awareness platform (CAP). Unlike a classic website, the media-wiki platform can be co-authored by everyone who has any relation to project. CAPs use networks to connect youth and ideas for social innovation, leveraging on collective intelligence and action to address intercultural, political, democratic governance and other sustainability challenges.
About the Mentorship Program
- How many mentors serve in the project?
A total of 60 experts from around the globe; 20 per mentor type.
- How many Mentor Types exist? Each Participant has to choose three mentors, one per category:
- What is the overall function of the Mentors?
- Peer Mentors:
These are other young people from across the world who have already demonstrated a unique ability and braveness to pursue their personal aspiration in some aspect of life. They will serve both as inspiration and as resource for ideas. Their role is to engage in brainstorming together with their mentee about options for taking action and also empower them in taking the steps needed to convert their visions and ideas into action.Their specific tasks are summarized here.
- Media Mentors:
These are international experts and/or scientists in the fields of communication strategy, communication policy, promotion and dissemination of results. Their role is to mentor the mentee in all her/his efforts from developing a strategy to promote her'/his messages all the way to identifying, contacting and convincing relevant stakeholders and./or decision makers to support them in all their endeavours. Their specific tasks are summarized here. - SDD Mentors:
These are scientists and practitioners experts in the Science of Dialogic Design. Their role is to support and help the Mentee to learn more and master the theory and practice of the Science of Dialogic Design. They will also support the mentees learn the different roles in organizing an SDDP and help them launch their own regional dialogues. Their specific tasks are summarized here. - Are there any templates/protocols that Mentors will use in their role? In prepartion
- What mechanisms should Mentors use to communicate with their Mentees, project staff or other Mentors? Any means is acceptable. Skype is probably the easiest because it allows also the inclusion in chats of some of the project staff if that becomes necessary for advice or support.
- What amount of time is required by a Mentor? It is not about time, but more importantly about (a) consistency in communication and (b) quality of advice and support.
- Are Mentors expected to collaborate with other Mentors on production of materials that support Mentees or other Participants? Not necessarily, but they are encouraged to do so and build up larger networks and maybe come up with larger project ideas.
- What type of guidance are different types of Mentors expected to provide? Produce guidelines of what to expect when participating in a CoLab Produce summary of SDD. Before: provide guidelines and summary
- What tasks do Mentors do before, during and after each CoLab? Their role is to alert Mentees to be ready, conscious and consistent in contributing the ideas they wish, making the networks they will need, absorb and benefit the knowledge that will and collect materials that they will need for the next steps.
- Is there an expectation that Mentors are present in Co-Labs and/or provide training or coaching during those activities? No, Mentors are not required to be present to any of the physical meetings. This is also not possible with the current budget. However, the campaign is on-going and new funding might provide new opportunities. Mentors may come up with their suggestions regarding replication, extension, globalization etc of activities as well as suggestions as to where we can apply for more funding.
- How much do Mentors interact with the ‘Shadow Participants? Shadow Participants have neither formal nor direct access to Mentors. A Shadow Participant may access a Mentor through the corresponding Core Participant. It is anticipated that some Mentors will have interest to pursue their own agenda in the context of the project, which might involve engaging a number of participants in some social intervention, research, or other activity. A Mentor has access to a global community of 55 individuals who are highly committed and engaged in this unique experiment to reinvent democracy. The only limit is their own imagination and ability to inspire and engage this community to do extraordinary things.
- How involved are Mentors with Outputs (i.e, the Manifesto, eBooks, videos)? Mentors are not expected to engage directly with the drafting or design of any of the outputs. However, it is within their TOR to mentor their Mentees when the latter make their contributions to the development of the outputs. They can offer their edits or make suggestions. Furthermore, Mentors are expected to support their Mentees with the dissemination of the outputs. They can do this by offering ideas on how to identify the best possible recipients, provide names and contacts, as well as offer their professional help on how to approach each recipient.
- Do Mentors attend/participate in the Webinars? Yes. Mentors will be expected to support the production of Webinars. Their role in producing video materials for the project begins very early. For example, every Mentor is expected to provide a short video clip on which s/he present herself/himself and what s/he can offer to potential Mentees Later in the project, Mentor may provide additional video clips to offer their advice and suggestions on issues that will come up.
- How knowledgable about and experienced with Media, SDD or project planning and implementation are Mentees expected to be when they are done?
- Who is the overall director of this initiative?
The Global Director is Yiannis Laouris, President of the Board of Future Worlds Center.
- Who is the overall Coordinator of this initiative?
The Global Coordinator is Maria Georgiou member of the team of the Global Education Unit of Future Worlds Center who has the contract with the United Nations Democracy Fund.
- Who are the Regional Coordinators of this initiative?
- American Initiative: Ricardo M. Barrera
- European Initiative: Maria Georgiou
- Australasia Initiative: Paul Hays
- African Initiative: Penina Lam, Lydia Kaume
- Middle Eastern Initiative: xxxxx
- list item A2
Joining this wonderful initiative
Mentors are not expected to disseminate outputs themselves, but they would be strongly encouraged to forward outputs at least to their own circles. It is also anticipated that some Mentors will have their own interest in the promotion of certain outputs.