Oumaima Madhioub is a Shadow Participant of Takwa Makhlouf. Oumaima Madhioub was born in 1999 in Tunisia, grew up and studied in Qatar for most of her young life. Oumayma is passionated by English language and journalism, and it is in these fields that she wants to specialize. Freedom of speech, people’s right for self-determination, middle-east challenges and issues are very important subjects for her. By leaving in Qatar, she knows a lot about people’s claims for Democracy and Freedom in Middle- East. Her passion for journalism and her interest for Middle-East situation and issues, motivated her to make several internships with the well-known international media Al-Jazeera. For Oumaima Madhioub, the challenge of democracy in the Middle-East is crucial, and by working in media, she believes in the importance and in the role of Digital to achieve and reinvent democracy.