Jairo Iván Matus Contrera

From Reinvent Democracy
Revision as of 10:08, 22 January 2018 by Jordankent (talk | contribs)
RD CoreParticipant AM.png
Core Participant
Core Participant
Jairo Iván Matus Contrera
Role(s) Core Participant
Co-Lab(s) Platres 7-12 Feb, 2016
Education Law at the Polytechnic University of Nicaragua

Jairo Iván Matus Contrera is one of the Core Participants of the American SDDP of the Reinventing Democracy in the Digital Era project.

His Peer Empowerment and Support Mentors is Uffe Vieira.

Jairo Iván Matus Contrera born 1992, is from Nicaragoua. He is currently an Associate Researcher at the Central American Institute of Juridical and Political Studies (ICEJP-UPOLI). Jairo was a trainee at the National Center for State Courts (NCSC-Nicaragua), Coordinator of Communication Projects for Development Center for Studies for Governance and Democracy (CEGODEM),

Jairo has a degree in Law at the Polytechnic University of Nicaragua and a postgraduate degree in “Democratic Governance and Human Rights of Groups in a Condition of Vulnerability.”, A graduate in Advanced Program in Youth Leadership from Thomas More University. He also holds a Diploma in Political Leadership and Management from the American University (UAM) , and a Diploma of Extension in Training of Trainers in National Taxation by the Polytechnic University of Nicaragua (UPOLI).

Shadow Participants caption

  1. Edgar Osmín López Hernández
  2. Noel Bermudesz
  3. Edipcia Dubon
  4. Alejandra Castillo
  5. Mario Isaias Torrez Torrez
  6. Fidel Moreira Flores
  7. Clara Gonzales
  8. Claudia Leon York
  9. Daniela Araya
  10. Camilo Navas