
2 editsJoined 5 January 2018

Sakshi Sharma is pursuing Bachelor in Commerce (Honors) from University of Delhi, India. She is a community developer at Youth for Peace International and her role entails building relationship with different stakeholders to execute community engagement programs, running need-based assessment studies, monitoring and evaluation of programs to bring about social impact in the society. She is passionate to work in the development sector and therefore, exploring various avenues like Community Development, Sustainable Development Practices, Social Research, Public Policy, Corporate Social Responsibility, Monitoring and Evaluation, NGO Management, Development Communication, Training/Facilitation, Human-Centered Design, Human Rights and Justice for Peace Building. Besides this, she is an avid reader, loves to interact with new people, always looking forward to new expeditions, trying different cuisines and a staunch believer of the popular adage 'Do What You Love'.