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Short Profile pasted from my <b>General Thinking page</b>:[http://GeneralThinking.com/HEiner] a Long Profile can be found at the <b>FUTURE WORLDS CENTER</b> for its Practitioner Training Workshops: [http://www.futureworlds.eu/wiki/Heiner_Benking] about re-inventing democracy, multi-track diplomacy, peace-making, and policies and strategies to harness "the wisdom of the people".
Short Profile pasted from my <b>General Thinking page</b>: [http://GeneralThinking.com/HEiner] a Long Profile can be found at the <b>FUTURE WORLDS CENTER</b> for its Practitioner Training Workshops: [http://www.futureworlds.eu/wiki/Heiner_Benking] about re-inventing democracy, multi-track diplomacy, peace-making, and policies and strategies to harness "the wisdom of the people".

"I had a couple of lifes: technician and engineer, planner, consultant, sales and marketing, infographics coiner, environmental management and research, curator, futurist, educator, facilitator, ... in fields as wide as: environmental education, culture, youth, media,... My function is capacity building along and across scales and cultures in an appreciative, attentive style typical for concerned generalists, thinkers, in-betweeners, hazardeurs, trimtabs, and go-getters... to open dialog and deliberations towards shared positive futures.
"I had a couple of lifes/professional episodes: technician and engineer, planner, consultant, sales and marketing, infographics coiner, environmental management and research, curator, futurist, educator, facilitator, ... in fields as wide as: environmental education, culture, youth, media,... My function is capacity building along and across scales and cultures in an appreciative, attentive style typical for concerned generalists, thinkers, in-betweeners, hazardeurs, trimtabs, and go-getters... to open dialog and deliberations towards shared positive futures.
In a nutshell: <b>Journalist - Facilitator - Consultant - Futurist</b>
In a nutshell: <b>Journalist - Facilitator - Consultant - Futurist</b>

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Loads of diverse data make us think deep, avoid perplexity, and get some extra insights and ideas... so please bear with noise and variety and digest, subsume, and resonate! and scroll down as you might want to google some of the titles you find most appealing.
Loads of diverse data make us think deep, avoid perplexity, and get some extra insights and ideas... so please bear with noise and variety and digest, subsume, and resonate! and scroll down as you might want to google some of the titles you find most appealing.
{{#ev:youtube|vDrP5DHgFfM|210|left|RD Digital Communication Strategy and Policy Mentor Heiner Benking }}{{#ev:youtube|IEI4xTL3tqY|210|center|FWC SDDP gathering Limassol Heiner Benking}}{{#ev:youtube|8XP_xGkMnhw|210|left|Talk-Communication - (English/Hebrew/Arabic - Magic Roundtable Enrepreneurship Summit Lenser/Benking }}{{#ev:youtube|0GFucuEfsCQ|210|center|Speakers Corner - Berlin / Brandenburg Gate (German)}}{{#ev:youtube|kxsMZ1Kb9gI|210|left|Inovators Club - Council of Towns and Regions Magic Roundtable (German)}} {{#ev:youtube|lxBaUviHhok|210|center|UNESCO -  DESD Magic Roundtable}}

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Selected <b>German</b>, main-authored publications:
Selected <b>German</b>, main-authored publications:
Informatik im Umweltschutz, Springer, Kultur der Verweigerung, Bölau,Realität und Virtualität der Berge, UN Year of the Mountains, Raum und Virtualität: Potential oder Leere? Die Bergwelt als Beispiel und Ursprung für den Zugang und die Auseinandersetzung mit "neuen" Welten (2002) [http://benking.de/virtuality-reality-mountains2002.htm], Alte und Neue Räume, - Ordnungen und - Modelle für Orientierungen, Vereinbarungen und Konstruktionen, (2006) Bericht: Neues & altes, pragmatisches & gemeinsames kommunizieren, lernen, entscheiden und handeln,  (mit F. Lenser) Gesprächs- und Entscheidungskultur: Rundgespräche und Vereinbarungen als Elemente einer wünschenswerten, zukünftigen Zivilgesellschaft, INST _ TUAC,Skizzen für Weltbilder und Welthäuser,  Postmaterialismus 4: Die Natur: Passagen Verlag, (2003), .... Lernen ...., Foucault, HfG Ulm, Hagia Chora, ...}}
Informatik im Umweltschutz, Springer, Kultur der Verweigerung, Bölau,Realität und Virtualität der Berge, UN Year of the Mountains, Raum und Virtualität: Potential oder Leere? Die Bergwelt als Beispiel und Ursprung für den Zugang und die Auseinandersetzung mit "neuen" Welten (2002) [http://benking.de/virtuality-reality-mountains2002.htm], Alte und Neue Räume, - Ordnungen und - Modelle für Orientierungen, Vereinbarungen und Konstruktionen, (2006) Bericht: Neues & altes, pragmatisches & gemeinsames kommunizieren, lernen, entscheiden und handeln,  (mit F. Lenser) Gesprächs- und Entscheidungskultur: Rundgespräche und Vereinbarungen als Elemente einer wünschenswerten, zukünftigen Zivilgesellschaft, INST _ TUAC,Skizzen für Weltbilder und Welthäuser,  Postmaterialismus 4: Die Natur: Passagen Verlag (2003), .... Lernen ...., Foucault, HfG Ulm,..... Hagia Chora, ...}}
{{#ev:youtube|vDrP5DHgFfM|210|left|RD Digital Communication Strategy and Policy Mentor Heiner Benking }}{{#ev:youtube|IEI4xTL3tqY|210|center|FWC SDDP gathering Limassol Heiner Benking}}{{#ev:youtube|8XP_xGkMnhw|210|left|Talk-Communication - (English/Hebrew/Arabic - Magic Roundtable Enrepreneurship Summit Lenser/Benking }}{{#ev:youtube|0GFucuEfsCQ|210|center|Speakers Corner - Berlin / Brandenburg Gate (German)}}{{#ev:youtube|kxsMZ1Kb9gI|210|left|Inovators Club - Council of Towns and Regions Magic Roundtable (German)}} {{#ev:youtube|lxBaUviHhok|210|center|UNESCO -  DESD Magic Roundtable}}

[[Category:Digital Communication Mentors]]
[[Category:Digital Communication Mentors]]

Revision as of 03:07, 5 April 2016

RD Mentor Media.png
Digital Communication Mentor
Digital Communication Mentor
Heiner Benking
Education Geo-Sciences
University Hamburg
Economics Academy Bremen

Short Profile pasted from my General Thinking page: [1] a Long Profile can be found at the FUTURE WORLDS CENTER for its Practitioner Training Workshops: [2] about re-inventing democracy, multi-track diplomacy, peace-making, and policies and strategies to harness "the wisdom of the people".

"I had a couple of lifes/professional episodes: technician and engineer, planner, consultant, sales and marketing, infographics coiner, environmental management and research, curator, futurist, educator, facilitator, ... in fields as wide as: environmental education, culture, youth, media,... My function is capacity building along and across scales and cultures in an appreciative, attentive style typical for concerned generalists, thinkers, in-betweeners, hazardeurs, trimtabs, and go-getters... to open dialog and deliberations towards shared positive futures. In a nutshell: Journalist - Facilitator - Consultant - Futurist

Beside volunteering for IHTEC (International Holistic Tourism Education Center & International School Peace Gardens[3] and INBAK - Institute for Sustainability in Education, Work, and Culture[4] Flyer (PDF) English): [5] he is since 20+ years also for other UN ECOSOC NGOs, doing "communication and capacity". Presently he is active in the GLOBAL COMMONS ACTION ALLIANCE writing bi-monthly to Heads of States... This is an example on the occasion of the UN 2030 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GLOBALS (SDGs) [6] session in 2015.

Highly recommended in this context is a forthcoming article on "sharing and gifting in traditional and modern times"[7] and proposals to use SDDP for the CHALLENGES TO HUMANITY of the Millennium Project: http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v396/__show_article/_a000396-000261.htm the CAPS Info Day - CAPS = Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation of the European Commission:[8] and the Herrenhausen Inquiry: Governing the Anthopocene !? Cyber-Systemic Possibilities ?[9] or [10] one session was with Alexander Christakis. Inquiry website:[11] ISSS background:[12]

Check also the tabular CV for the Anna-Lindh-Foundation Barcelona Forum 2010: [13] and the width and depth of the challenges at hand: [14] and that we need a "new science, language, thinking, ways of communicating and presenting, as discussed at the Nobel Peace Laureats gathering in Berlin in 2009 in honor of Elinor Ostrom: [15]

Below you can find some more details, references, ... links with special reference to Dialog and Deliberation around my work with the 21stCenturyAgora Institute [16]

Loads of diverse data make us think deep, avoid perplexity, and get some extra insights and ideas... so please bear with noise and variety and digest, subsume, and resonate! and scroll down as you might want to google some of the titles you find most appealing.


RD Digital Communication Strategy and Policy Mentor Heiner Benking
FWC SDDP gathering Limassol Heiner Benking
Talk-Communication - (English/Hebrew/Arabic - Magic Roundtable Enrepreneurship Summit Lenser/Benking
Speakers Corner - Berlin / Brandenburg Gate (German)
Inovators Club - Council of Towns and Regions Magic Roundtable (German)
UNESCO - DESD Magic Roundtable


{{Selected English, main-authored publications (1980-2016): AEC-, FM- Newsletter, Automation Groups (Editor) 1981-86. Scientific Graphics, IBM, IEBC, Watson, LaHulpe, 1995-98, Uniras, IBM, Berlin,... 1986-88, Computer Graphics in Management, Marketing, and Sales, INFOGRAPHICS, WCGA CAMP, Berlin 1985, Geomorphology & Geoecology, Large Scale Biomonitoring for Renaturation, with H.Lessing, GEO - ÖKO - DYNAMIK, Darmstadt 1988 [17], Geo-/Object-Coding for Local-Change Assessment, (Geo-Jounal, Springer 1990)[18], Harmonization of environmental measurement (with h. Keune) GeoJournal, Springer 1991), Access and Assimilation: Pivotal environmental information challenges, Geo-Jounal, (Springer 1992), ICSU CODATA Trilogy: Bridges and a Masterplan for Islands of Data in a Labyrinth of Environmental and Economic Information, Beijing, 1992, A Conceptual Superstructure of Knowledge - Quality and Content in Organisation, Management and Awareness, with W.D. Grossmann, Chambery 1994, Granularity, Topicality, and Generalization of Information - Reflections about maps and models, orienting generalizations and their possible pragmatic and ethical implications and challenges, CODATA-ISGI, & Using Maps and Models, SuperSigns and SuperStructures, CODATA-MIST, Berlin 2005), Harmonization of environmental meta‐information with a thesaurus‐based multi‐lingual and multi‐medial information system, (with U. Kampffmeyer) (ESSIS, Pasadena, AIP 1993), Visual access strategies for multi-dimensional objects and issues: (WFSF, FAW 1993), Proposing a Conceptual Superstructure - A Work-Report of a Vision, (FID XX, Melbourne, 1994), Design Considerations for Spatial Metaphors - reflections on the evolution of viewpoint transportation systems (with A.Judge), Edinburgh (acm-ECHT, 1994), A Metaparadigm or Sharable Framework (Cognitive Panorama), Spatial and Spacial, ... (KnowMap Trilogy 1992-95), Viewsletter, Club of Budapest (Editor and Cordinator), 1995-98, A Metaparadigm or Sharable Framework, COGNITIVES PANORAMA, (Concil of Europe: New Ideas in Science & Art, New Spaces 1996), EMBODYING SYNTHETIC SPACIAL MEANINGS AND SITUATIONS, Club of Budapest Planetary Consiousness Series 1-4, ISSS - COB (1996), A House of Horizons and Perspectives - a cognitive deep openspace for positioning, comparing, merging and morphing our metaphors, models, maps and view, ISSS - ISIS, "The Compatibility of Social Systems" (1998), Creating, Blending, Concerting, and Sharing, Global Workplaces of the Mind, Symbol Grounding in the Cognitive Panorama (3Space/Time), Worldly Expressions of the Integral, JEAN GEBSER SOCIETY (1998), CONCEPT AND CONTEXT MAPPING - TOWARDS COMMON FRAMES OF REFERENCE, TKE 1996, MAN- MASS- MEDIA - Interaction and Manipulation, New Horizons and Orientation Thanks to a New Mental Architecture, (HfG Ulm 1996), Robust Paths to Global Stability: Tough but Feasible (with Radermacher, Malaska, Fliedner,..., The Optics of Ethics, WFSF, Nairobi, 1995, Sharing and Changing Realities with Extra Degrees of Freedom of Movement, Computation for Metaphors, Life-Like Agents, Imitation & Embodiment, Analogies Aizu, 1997, Show or Schau? - Is Humanity Destined...? (Association for Politics and the Life Sciences 1999), Concreteness in Integral Worlds, with S. Stalinski, (Jean Gebser Conference, Worldly Expressions of the Integral, 2001), Toward a new covenant: Embracing a dialogue and decision culture to address the challenges of the agoras of the 21st century, (Taylor and Francis 2004), various terms in International encyclopedia of systems and cybernetics (adcademic advisory board) Saur 2004), EMBODYING, HARMONIZING and SHARING OLD AND NEW SPACES & TIMES, Learning by Leap-frogging beyond Natural and Biological Diversity Towards a New Renaissance 3, Harmonising Spirituality, Nature and Health, (SMN, HUB 2009), Learnings and Vistas based on revisiting 40 years "Global Problematique" (EuropesWold 2010), The Predicament of the Individual, Communities, and Humankind in the 21st Century, Deliberations about Structured Dialogic Design, Systems Thinking, Policy-Making, Multi-track Diplomacy, Empowerment and the Wisdom of the People (EuropesWold 2011), Ignorance or Compassion?, Ecological Awareness: Exploring Religion, Ethics and Aesthetics, (LIT 2011), Formal Ontology and Principles of Knowledge Organization: An Axiomatic Approach, (with H. Herre) (ISKO 2013), Sustainable Alternatives for Poverty Reduction and Eco-Justice: (Cambridge Scholars 2014), Learning about cybersystemic governance from Limits to Growth, Governing the Anthopocene - Cyber-Systemic Possibilities, Ignorance or Compassion? - Limits and potentials of human concepts, maps and models with regard to nature (2011) - Viewing Trees and Woods: Connecting Dots, Links, Sectors, and Frames (2015) - “The Magic Roundtable; challenges of bridging/combining benefits of traditional gifting and modern “sharing” (Mother Pelican Trilogy 2014-16) - Viewing Trees and Woods: (reprint), Commons Action for the United Nations add: GYC ..... Future Now .....

Check Academia https://independent.academia.edu/HeinerBenking and Slideshare http://www.slideshare.net/benking/ for direct access.

Selected German, main-authored publications: Informatik im Umweltschutz, Springer, Kultur der Verweigerung, Bölau,Realität und Virtualität der Berge, UN Year of the Mountains, Raum und Virtualität: Potential oder Leere? Die Bergwelt als Beispiel und Ursprung für den Zugang und die Auseinandersetzung mit "neuen" Welten (2002) [19], Alte und Neue Räume, - Ordnungen und - Modelle für Orientierungen, Vereinbarungen und Konstruktionen, (2006) Bericht: Neues & altes, pragmatisches & gemeinsames kommunizieren, lernen, entscheiden und handeln, (mit F. Lenser) Gesprächs- und Entscheidungskultur: Rundgespräche und Vereinbarungen als Elemente einer wünschenswerten, zukünftigen Zivilgesellschaft, INST _ TUAC,Skizzen für Weltbilder und Welthäuser, Postmaterialismus 4: Die Natur: Passagen Verlag (2003), .... Lernen ...., Foucault, HfG Ulm,..... Hagia Chora, ...}}