Uploads by Svank

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
02:25, 10 February 2016 C360 2015-01-08-01-00-23-872.jpg (file) 24 KB   1
13:45, 10 February 2016 Jpg.jpeg (file) 30 KB FOFANA Ousmane Kerfala, the President Founder of NGO Together as One for Development Exchange Programs abroad for promoting the peace and educational revolution (http://as1together.wix.com/ngo1 ). I served as a campus ambassador of project Indiafrica a... 1
04:53, 12 February 2016 Example.jpg (file) 76 KB FOFANA O.Kerfala Président Fondateur du Together As One MemberFounder of Réseaux Universitaires pour le Développent en Afrique Coach & Trainer of Global Shapers Community Meknes-Hub Advanced Degree in International Studies & Modern Languages Univ... 1
07:02, 12 February 2016 FofanaO.Kerfala .jpg (file) 101 KB   2