The Structured Democratic Dialogue as Co-Laboratory of Democracy
The Structured Democratic Dialogue as Co-Laboratory of Democracy
The Methodology of Structured Democratic Dialogue will be used in order to identify reasons why youth abstains from basic democratic processes, as well as to support them design solutions to address the key root causes identified. The aim is to empower young participants to take action and promote their very own ideas and solutions, and find innovative solutions to utilize the broad range of ICT tools the project is based predominantly on the Structured Democratic Dialogue Process (SDDP).
We chose this particular methodology because of its uniqueness in mobilizing participants. In addition, the SDDP methodology is based on scientific laws, which have been repeatedly validated, empirically and scientifically, in the arena of practice. Taking all this into consideration, the co-Laboratories of Democracy will be implemented using the methodology of structured democratic dialogue. This methodology supports groups of diverse stakeholders with conflicting opinions and interests to effectively discuss a matter of joint concern, integrate their knowledge, and democratically redesign their socio-organizational systems and practices reaching consensus agreement for effective collaborative action. Using this approach, the 100 youth and citizens’ representatives will develop a common language, a shared understanding of the problematic situation in which they are embedded, and will be better equipped to formulate their ideas, suggestions, and strategies with clarity. The interaction will empower youth to take follow-up actions and thus ensuring their strong commitment to the project.
Participants of the Co-Laboratories will design and develop concrete ideas for action and will have the space and support to build their own action plans around them. The facilitating team will assist the participants in identifying ways to promote their ideas, engage with political decision-makers, as well as mobilize members of the community. A Manifesto, jointly drafted, will be used to engage the media encouraging them to host live debates between project participants and national or international policy makers thus connecting them with youth and citizen pioneers.
In all the above, technology shall be used to support the process, as well as to ensure a wide outreach of the young people’s actions and ideas via social media campaigns, digital videos, blogs and online articles etc. In addition, using the mobile application Idea Prism™, the project will engage large numbers of young people who might not be able to physically participate in the co-Laboratories. Through this mobile application, their ideas will be shared and validated by their peers not only from their own community, but on a global level.
Participants will also be invited to join regional and global webinars on Participatory Democracy. This online technology will strengthen communication and interaction among the participants.