Amal Chtourou is a Shadow Participant of Takwa Makhlouf. Amal Chtourou is 23 years old. She obtained a bachelor is Public Law in the University of Law of Sfax (Tunisia). She is currently preparing her Master in Public Law at the same university. Her subject of study is “The principal of free administration of the Parliament”. Amal Chtourou did an internship of one year with the National Democratic Institute of Tunisia where she was a jurist assistant to the Members of the Parliament. Since the Revolution, Amal Chtourou is actively participating to the political life of her country and willing to encourage people to do so. She is especially active for a program called “Women in the Local governance” in the city of Sfax, for which she is working to reinforce women capacities and participation in the political life. She also participated to several trainings and programs with for example the Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance which was a program for capacity reinforcement in the subjects of Democracy, Transitional Justice, Constitution, Legislative Power, Civil society etc. and other programs such as Friedrich Ebert Stiftung program “Génération A venir”.