Vitae: Kevin Dye
Kevin Dye served as a facilitator of the Reinventing Democracy in the Digital Era for the Middle East initiative. Kevin joined the Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute in January 2008 as Senior Research Scientist. Kevin is a long time collaborator of Aleco Christakis and Yiannis Laouris and founding member and staff of the Institute for 21st Century Agoras. He has supported and participated in several projects of Future Worlds Center starting with the Civil Society Dialogue Project in Cyprus in 2006.
Mr. Dye is the Director of the Institute of 21st Century Agoras. He previously served in research roles as:
- Principal Consultant for Dialogic Design International - Director of Research for the Massachusetts Office of Dispute Resolution, - Grant Writer, Researcher, & Assistant Director of Outreach at The Center for Green Chemistry of University of Massachusetts Boston & Lowell, - Chief Process Scientist for CWA Ltd. Interactive Management Consultants, - Director of Medical Diagnostic Decision Making at Diagnology Inc. during the Economic Development for Peace initiative in Northern Ireland. - Research Engineer in Integrated Product Process Design and Computer Aided Engineering
After completing a degree in Mechanical Engineering with specialty in Thermodynamics from Northeastern University (1985) he joined United Technologies as Coordinator of Computer Aided Engineering for Otis Elevator. Transferring to United Technologies Research Center he led Integrated Product/Process Design in the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences Rapid Response Manufacturing Advanced Technology Program for the National Institute of Standards and Technology. He was sponsored as a Sloan Visiting Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1994-95.
His most recent work in the application of Structured Dialogic Design includes Evolution of the Technical Vision for Autonomous Systems and Future Synthesis of Electronic & Cyberwarfare in the Sensors Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratories. He has previously designed and conducted SDD workshops for the World Health Organization, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance, the U.S. Food& Drug Administration, the U.S. Forest Service, the National Mental Health Association, and the National Patient Safety Foundation.
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