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Surviving Cyberculture's impact - what can be done!? (statement from the floor by HeBe): [http://benking.de/Global-Change/un-vision-television-revisited-8-2001.html] Programming for People - From Cultural Rights to Cultural Responsibilities, WORLD TELEVISION FORUM 1997, UNITED NATIONS Headquarters - Economic and Social Council Chamber, [http://www.un.org/tvforum/] [http://www.visiontelevision.net/w_what.html] see the new UN - WTF  homepage at [http://www.un.org/tvforum/main.html], A House of Horizons and Perspectives - a cognitive deep openspace for positioning, comparing, merging and morphing our metaphors, models, maps and view, ISSS - ISIS, "The Compatibility of Social Systems" (1998), CONCEPT AND CONTEXT MAPPING - TOWARDS COMMON FRAMES OF REFERENCE, TKE 1996, [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/terminology.htm], MAN- MASS- MEDIA - Interaction and Manipulation, New Horizons and Orientation Thanks to a New Mental Architecture, [http://www.hfg-ulm.de/740.html] - [http://www.spatialagency.net/database/why/political/hfg.ulm][http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/DESI_a_00304?journalCode=desi] (HfG Ulm 1996) [http://benking.de/IFGestaltung_Ulm.html], Robust Paths to Global Stability: Tough but Feasible (with Radermacher, Malaska, Fliedner,...), The Optics of Ethics, WFSF, Nairobi (1995),  
Surviving Cyberculture's impact - what can be done!? (statement from the floor by HeBe): [http://benking.de/Global-Change/un-vision-television-revisited-8-2001.html] Programming for People - From Cultural Rights to Cultural Responsibilities, WORLD TELEVISION FORUM 1997, UNITED NATIONS Headquarters - Economic and Social Council Chamber, [http://www.un.org/tvforum/] [http://www.visiontelevision.net/w_what.html] see the new UN - WTF  homepage at [http://www.un.org/tvforum/main.html], A House of Horizons and Perspectives - a cognitive deep openspace for positioning, comparing, merging and morphing our metaphors, models, maps and view, ISSS - ISIS, "The Compatibility of Social Systems" (1998), CONCEPT AND CONTEXT MAPPING - TOWARDS COMMON FRAMES OF REFERENCE, TKE 1996, [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/terminology.htm], MAN- MASS- MEDIA - Interaction and Manipulation, New Horizons and Orientation Thanks to a New Mental Architecture, [http://www.hfg-ulm.de/740.html] - [http://www.spatialagency.net/database/why/political/hfg.ulm][http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/DESI_a_00304?journalCode=desi] (HfG Ulm 1996) [http://benking.de/IFGestaltung_Ulm.html], Robust Paths to Global Stability: Tough but Feasible (with Radermacher, Malaska, Fliedner,...), The Optics of Ethics, WFSF, Nairobi (1995),  
Anschauliche transkulturelle Diskurse, Roundtable: Ingerkulturelle Kommunikation und Kooperation als Weg zu Umweltschutz und Krisenmangement, Umweltschutz und Krisenmanagement - Die Leitidee einer Nachhaltigen Entwicklung als Internationale Herausforderung, Deutsch-Japanische Akademische Burse (DJAB) 1996, [http://benking.de/Global-Change/BURSE-Benking-1996.pdf], Sharing and Changing Realities with Extra Degrees of Freedom of Movement, Computation for Metaphors, Life-Like Agents, Imitation & Embodiment, Analogies Aizu, 1997, [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/landscape.htm],
Anschauliche transkulturelle Diskurse, Roundtable: Ingerkulturelle Kommunikation und Kooperation als Weg zu Umweltschutz und Krisenmangement, Umweltschutz und Krisenmanagement - Die Leitidee einer Nachhaltigen Entwicklung als Internationale Herausforderung, Deutsch-Japanische Akademische Burse (DJAB) 1996, [http://benking.de/Global-Change/BURSE-Benking-1996.pdf], Sharing and Changing Realities with Extra Degrees of Freedom of Movement, Computation for Metaphors, Life-Like Agents, Imitation & Embodiment, Analogies Aizu, 1997, [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/landscape.htm],
BEING - FEELING - THINKING - HEALING, Self-Models, Paradigms and Extension System, ...embodying concepts and mental models, challenging the mind’s eye - - sharing concepts in a framework of being, International Medical Scientific Network, Club of Budapest, Budapest, 1997 [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/extensions.htm], Interface for Cultural Heritage - Cultural Dimensions of Interspaces, (with Kim Veltman), [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/visualization.htm], Knowledge Organization and education in the age of digital culture:  an outlook, ACCESS MULTIMEDIA AU PATRIMOINE CULTUREL, ARENOTECH, Ptolemee,  Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris 1998 [www.slideshare.net/benking], Écologie de la Nature et Culture - A Knowledge Ecology - for Nature, Culture  & Cyberculture, - for Economy & Ecology, - for Overview, Orientation & Understanding, LA UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID, Dep. Comunicación Audiovisual y Pub. II, ARENOTECH (Association Européenne ART-ÉDUCATION-NOUVELLES TECHNOLOGIES, 1998 [http://www.slideshare.net/benking], Advanced Visual Interfaces  AVI'98, [], Creating, Blending, Concerting, and Sharing, Global Workplaces of the Mind, Symbol Grounding in the Cognitive Panorama (3Space/Time), Worldly Expressions of the Integral, JEAN GEBSER SOCIETY (1998), A Humane Information Society or Information War ? - Reflections about Societies, Cultures, Human Potentials and Tools such as: Filters, Brokers, Agents, Knowbots, and Maps, IS 98 & The Benjamin Franklin Institute of Global Education, GLOBAL LEARN DAY 1998 [http://benking.de/global-learn-day.htm] [http://benking.de/is'98-benking.htm]  [http://benking.de/information-society-1998.htm], Embodying Situations & Issues: Sharing Contexts, and Encouraging Dialogue, International Federation for Systems Research, IFSR [http://www.ifsr.org/index.php/embodying-situations-issues-sharing-contexts-and-encouraging-dialogue/]  
BEING - FEELING - THINKING - HEALING, Self-Models, Paradigms and Extension System, ...embodying concepts and mental models, challenging the mind’s eye - - sharing concepts in a framework of being, International Medical Scientific Network, Club of Budapest, Budapest, 1997 [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/extensions.htm], and CoB - SMN - ISSS connex: [http://benking.de/ISSS/ISSS-Primer-wholeness.html] Interface for Cultural Heritage - Cultural Dimensions of Interspaces, (with Kim Veltman), [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/visualization.htm], Knowledge Organization and education in the age of digital culture:  an outlook, ACCESS MULTIMEDIA AU PATRIMOINE CULTUREL, ARENOTECH, Ptolemee,  Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris 1998 [www.slideshare.net/benking], Écologie de la Nature et Culture - A Knowledge Ecology - for Nature, Culture  & Cyberculture, - for Economy & Ecology, - for Overview, Orientation & Understanding, LA UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID, Dep. Comunicación Audiovisual y Pub. II, ARENOTECH (Association Européenne ART-ÉDUCATION-NOUVELLES TECHNOLOGIES, 1998 [http://www.slideshare.net/benking], Advanced Visual Interfaces  AVI'98, [], Creating, Blending, Concerting, and Sharing, Global Workplaces of the Mind, Symbol Grounding in the Cognitive Panorama (3Space/Time), Worldly Expressions of the Integral, JEAN GEBSER SOCIETY (1998), A Humane Information Society or Information War ? - Reflections about Societies, Cultures, Human Potentials and Tools such as: Filters, Brokers, Agents, Knowbots, and Maps, IS 98 & The Benjamin Franklin Institute of Global Education, GLOBAL LEARN DAY 1998 [http://benking.de/global-learn-day.htm] [http://benking.de/is'98-benking.htm]  [http://benking.de/information-society-1998.htm], Embodying Situations & Issues: Sharing Contexts, and Encouraging Dialogue, International Federation for Systems Research, IFSR [http://www.ifsr.org/index.php/embodying-situations-issues-sharing-contexts-and-encouraging-dialogue/]  



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