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1980 - 1989 <b>Computer Graphics – Scientific and Environmental Visualisation –  </b>
1980 - 1989 <b>Computer Graphics – Scientific and Environmental Visualisation –  </b>
AEC-, FM- Newsletter, Automation Group (co-Editor) 1981-86. Scientific Graphics, IBM, IEBC, Watson, LaHulpe, 1995-98, Uniras, IBM, Berlin,... 1986-88, Computer Graphics in Management, Marketing, and Sales, INFOGRAPHICS, WCGA CAMP, Berlin 1985, Geomorphology & Geoecology, Large Scale Biomonitoring for Renaturation, with H.Lessing, GEO - ÖKO - DYNAMIK, Darmstadt 1988 [http://benking.de/Global-Change/Geoecodynamics-1988.html] [1], Geo-/Object-Coding for Local-Change Assessment - Planning, Execution, Accounting, and Research Demand Repeatability and Validity of Geotope/Biotope Information, (Global Change Moscow 1988, GeoJournal, Global Change, 1990) [http://benking.de/Global-Change/global-change-1988.html], [Analysis of Local Environmental Changes, Environmental Information and Communication Systems: ECOINFORMA 1,  [Bayreuth 1989)] [https://books.google.de/books?hl=en&lr=&id=-Tlk5Od_6ooC&oi=fnd&pg=PA135&dq=%22Heiner+Benking%22&ots=8DYDHFTzJw&sig=YfODQgwcN-j5SFs8dU6gBweoAo8#v=onepage&q=%22Heiner%20Benking%22&f=false], Die Gewinnung, Auswertung und Archivierung verläßlicher Umweltinformationen am Beispiel von TOPOGRAMM (with H. von Braun, U. Kampffmeyer) (Springer 1989) [http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-75214-8_11#page-1],  
AEC-, FM- Newsletter, Automation Group (co-Editor) 1981-86. Scientific Graphics, IBM, IEBC, Watson, LaHulpe, 1995-98, Uniras, IBM, Berlin,... 1986-88, Computer Graphics in Management, Marketing, and Sales, INFOGRAPHICS, WCGA CAMP, Berlin 1985, Geomorphology & Geoecology, Large Scale Biomonitoring for Renaturation, with H.Lessing, GEO - ÖKO - DYNAMIK, Darmstadt 1988 [http://benking.de/Global-Change/Geoecodynamics-1988.html] [1], Geo-/Object-Coding for Local-Change Assessment - Planning, Execution, Accounting, and Research Demand Repeatability and Validity of Geotope/Biotope Information, (Global Change Moscow 1988, GeoJournal, Global Change, 1990) [http://benking.de/Global-Change/global-change-1988.html], [Analysis of Local Environmental Changes, Environmental Information and Communication Systems: ECOINFORMA 1,  [Bayreuth 1989)] [https://books.google.de/books?hl=en&lr=&id=-Tlk5Od_6ooC&oi=fnd&pg=PA135&dq=%22Heiner+Benking%22&ots=8DYDHFTzJw&sig=YfODQgwcN-j5SFs8dU6gBweoAo8#v=onepage&q=%22Heiner%20Benking%22&f=false], Die Gewinnung, Auswertung und Archivierung verläßlicher Umweltinformationen am Beispiel von TOPOGRAMM (with H. von Braun, U. Kampffmeyer) (Springer 1989) [http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-75214-8_11#page-1],  
Airborne close‐range sensing yields analysis of local ecological changes: Outline of a data‐acquisition and ‐processing system for applications in geo‐sciences, engineering, planning, object management, and environmental protection, Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, (Taylor&Francis, 1990), [http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02772249009357543]
Airborne close‐range sensing yields analysis of local ecological changes: Outline of a data‐acquisition and ‐processing system for applications in geo‐sciences, engineering, planning, object management, and environmental protection, Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, (Taylor&Francis, 1990), [http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02772249009357543]

1990 - 1999 <b>Environmental Reseach/Management  – Knowledge Organisation – Terminology – Peace – International Culture & Coordination – Academic Institution-building –  </b>
1990 - 1999 <b>Environmental Reseach/Management  – Knowledge Organisation – Terminology – Peace – International Culture & Coordination – Academic Institution-building –  </b>
Geo-/Object-Coding for Local-Change Assessment, (Geo-Jounal, Springer 1990)[2], GLOBAL CHANGE - Challenges to Science and Politics, exhibition and concepts, invited partner since 1997 curator, German Cancellery, Bonn (1990) [http://benking.de/Global-Change/system-earth-posters.html] (PDF) [http://benking.de/futures/Poster-Global-Change-1990.pdf], Harmonization of environmental measurement (with h. Keune) GeoJournal, Springer 1991)[http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00204842#page-1], LOCAL AND GLOBAL CHANGE, hall and co-op with Alfred Wegener Foundation, Geotechnica Fair, Cologne (1991) [http://benking.de/Global-Change/local-global-change-1991.html],  Access and Assimilation: Pivotal environmental information challenges, Geo-Jounal, [http://www.benking.de/ceptualinstitute/access-assimilation.html] (Springer 1992) [http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF02629811], ICSU CODATA Trilogy: Bridges and a Masterplan for Islands of Data in a Labyrinth of Environmental and Economic Information, Beijing, 1992, A Conceptual Superstructure of Knowledge - Quality and Content in Organisation, Management and Awareness, with W.D. Grossmann, Chambery 1994, Granularity, Topicality, and Generalization of Information - Reflections about maps and models, orienting generalizations and their possible pragmatic and ethical implications and challenges [http://www.benking.de/Global-Change/ICSU-CODATA-1994-Chambery.html], Granularity, Topicality, and Generalization of Information, CODATA [http://www.codata-germany.org/ISGI_2005/ISGI_Order_Information.pdf]-ISGI [http://benking.de/systems/codata/ISGI_general-benking.htm] & Using Maps and Models, SuperSigns and SuperStructures, CODATA-MIST, Berlin (2005) [http://benking.de/systems/codata/CODATA-MIST2005.htm], Harmonization of environmental meta‐information with a thesaurus‐based multi‐lingual and multi‐medial information system, (with U. Kampffmeyer) (ESSIS, [http://benking.de/Global-Change/ISY_ESSIC-1992.pdf] Pasadena, AIP 1993)[http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.44482], Visual access strategies for multi-dimensional objects and issues: (WFSF, FAW 1993), Proposing a Conceptual Superstructure - A Work-Report of a Vision, (FID XX, Melbourne, 1994), Design Considerations for Spatial Metaphors - reflections on the evolution of viewpoint transportation systems (with A.Judge), Edinburgh (acm-ECHT, 1994) [https://www.laetusinpraesens.org/docs/spatialm.php], A Metaparadigm or Sharable Framework (Cognitive Panorama), Spatial and Spacial, Setting Common Frames of Reference, Spacial Knowledge Maps and Knowledge Models, Spacial Knowledge Maps and Knowledge Models, (KnowMap Trilogy 1992-95) [http://benking.de/benking_mapping.htm], Viewsletter, Club of Budapest (Editor and Cordinator) [http://benking.de/viewsletter/], 1995-98, International corner and GLOBAL Change exhibition, at UN Climate Summmit, Berlin (1995,  DaZiBao, International Peace University, Berlin 1995 [http://benking.de/viewsletter/], A Metaparadigm or Sharable Framework, COGNITIVES PANORAMA  & A Paradigm Shift? Orchestrating Representations Like Knowledge Trees and Knowledge Spaces [http://benking.de/benkingtxt.html]
(Concil of Europe: New Ideas in Science & Art, New Spaces [http://web.archive.org/web/20020210154031/http://pconf.terminal.cz/agenda.html 1996]), [http://benking.de/meta-paradigm.htm], EMBODYING SYNTHETIC ACIAL MEANINGS AND SITUATIONS, Club of Budapest Planetary Consiousness Series 1-4, ISSS - COB (1996) [http://benking.de/ISSS/ISSS_COB-1996.html], A House of Horizons and Perspectives - a cognitive deep openspace for positioning, comparing, merging and morphing our metaphors, models, maps and view, ISSS - ISIS, "The Compatibility of Social Systems" (1998), Creating, Blending, Concerting, and Sharing, Global Workplaces of the Mind, Symbol Grounding in the Cognitive Panorama (3Space/Time), Worldly Expressions of the Integral, JEAN GEBSER SOCIETY (1998), [http://benking.de/gebser2001.html], CONCEPT AND CONTEXT MAPPING - TOWARDS COMMON FRAMES OF REFERENCE, TKE 1996, [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/terminology.htm], MAN- MASS- MEDIA - Interaction and Manipulation, New Horizons and Orientation Thanks to a New Mental Architecture, (HfG Ulm 1996), Robust Paths to Global Stability: Tough but Feasible (with Radermacher, Malaska, Fliedner,...), The Optics of Ethics, WFSF, Nairobi (1995), Sharing and Changing Realities with Extra Degrees of Freedom of Movement, Computation for Metaphors, Life-Like Agents, Imitation & Embodiment, Analogies Aizu, 1997, [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/landscape.htm],  
Geo-/Object-Coding for Local-Change Assessment, (Geo-Jounal, Springer 1990)[2], GLOBAL CHANGE - Challenges to Science and Politics, exhibition and concepts, invited partner since 1997 curator, German Cancellery, Bonn (1990) [http://benking.de/Global-Change/system-earth-posters.html] (PDF) [http://benking.de/futures/Poster-Global-Change-1990.pdf], Harmonization of environmental measurement (with h. Keune) GeoJournal, Springer 1991)[http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00204842#page-1], LOCAL AND GLOBAL CHANGE, hall and co-op with Alfred Wegener Foundation, Geotechnica Fair, Cologne (1991) [http://benking.de/Global-Change/local-global-change-1991.html],  Access and Assimilation: Pivotal environmental information challenges, Geo-Jounal, [http://www.benking.de/ceptualinstitute/access-assimilation.html] (Springer 1992) [http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF02629811], ICSU CODATA Trilogy: Bridges and a Masterplan for Islands of Data in a Labyrinth of Environmental and Economic Information, Beijing, 1992, A Conceptual Superstructure of Knowledge - Quality and Content in Organisation, Management and Awareness, with W.D. Grossmann, Chambery 1994, Granularity, Topicality, and Generalization of Information - Reflections about maps and models, orienting generalizations and their possible pragmatic and ethical implications and challenges [http://www.benking.de/Global-Change/ICSU-CODATA-1994-Chambery.html], Granularity, Topicality, and Generalization of Information, CODATA [http://www.codata-germany.org/ISGI_2005/ISGI_Order_Information.pdf]-ISGI [http://benking.de/systems/codata/ISGI_general-benking.htm] & Using Maps and Models, SuperSigns and SuperStructures, CODATA-MIST, Berlin (2005) [http://benking.de/systems/codata/CODATA-MIST2005.htm], Harmonization of environmental meta‐information with a thesaurus‐based multi‐lingual and multi‐medial information system, (with U. Kampffmeyer) (ESSIS, [http://benking.de/Global-Change/ISY_ESSIC-1992.pdf] Pasadena, AIP 1993)[http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.44482], Visual access strategies for multi-dimensional objects and issues: (WFSF, FAW 1993), Proposing a Conceptual Superstructure - A Work-Report of a Vision, (FID XX, Melbourne, 1994), Design Considerations for Spatial Metaphors - reflections on the evolution of viewpoint transportation systems (with A.Judge), Edinburgh (acm-ECHT, 1994) [https://www.laetusinpraesens.org/docs/spatialm.php], A Metaparadigm or Sharable Framework (Cognitive Panorama), Spatial and Spacial, Setting Common Frames of Reference, Spacial Knowledge Maps and Knowledge Models, Spacial Knowledge Maps and Knowledge Models, (KnowMap Trilogy 1992-95) [http://benking.de/benking_mapping.htm], Viewsletter, Club of Budapest (Editor and Cordinator) [http://benking.de/viewsletter/], 1995-98, International corner and GLOBAL Change exhibition, at UN Climate Summmit, Berlin (1995,  DaZiBao, International Peace University, Berlin 1995 [http://benking.de/viewsletter/], A Metaparadigm or Sharable Framework, COGNITIVES PANORAMA  & A Paradigm Shift? Orchestrating Representations Like Knowledge Trees and Knowledge Spaces [http://benking.de/benkingtxt.html] (Concil of Europe: New Ideas in Science & Art, New Spaces [http://web.archive.org/web/20020210154031/http://pconf.terminal.cz/agenda.html 1996]), [http://benking.de/meta-paradigm.htm], EMBODYING SYNTHETIC ACIAL MEANINGS AND SITUATIONS, Club of Budapest Planetary Consiousness Series 1-4, ISSS - COB (1996) [http://benking.de/ISSS/ISSS_COB-1996.html], A House of Horizons and Perspectives - a cognitive deep openspace for positioning, comparing, merging and morphing our metaphors, models, maps and view, ISSS - ISIS, "The Compatibility of Social Systems" (1998), Creating, Blending, Concerting, and Sharing, Global Workplaces of the Mind, Symbol Grounding in the Cognitive Panorama (3Space/Time), Worldly Expressions of the Integral, JEAN GEBSER SOCIETY (1998), [http://benking.de/gebser2001.html], CONCEPT AND CONTEXT MAPPING - TOWARDS COMMON FRAMES OF REFERENCE, TKE 1996, [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/terminology.htm], MAN- MASS- MEDIA - Interaction and Manipulation, New Horizons and Orientation Thanks to a New Mental Architecture, (HfG Ulm 1996), Robust Paths to Global Stability: Tough but Feasible (with Radermacher, Malaska, Fliedner,...), The Optics of Ethics, WFSF, Nairobi (1995), Sharing and Changing Realities with Extra Degrees of Freedom of Movement, Computation for Metaphors, Life-Like Agents, Imitation & Embodiment, Analogies Aizu, 1997, [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/landscape.htm],  
Interface for Cultural Heritage - Cultural Dimensions of Interspaces, (with Kim Veltman),  [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/visualization.htm], Advanced Visual Interfaces  AVI'98, [], Embodying Situations & Issues: Sharing Contexts, and Encouraging Dialogue, International Federation for Systems Research, [http://www.ifsr.org/index.php/embodying-situations-issues-sharing-contexts-and-encouraging-dialogue/],  
Interface for Cultural Heritage - Cultural Dimensions of Interspaces, (with Kim Veltman),  [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/visualization.htm], Advanced Visual Interfaces  AVI'98, [], Embodying Situations & Issues: Sharing Contexts, and Encouraging Dialogue, International Federation for Systems Research, [http://www.ifsr.org/index.php/embodying-situations-issues-sharing-contexts-and-encouraging-dialogue/],  

2000 - 2009 <b>Environmental and Cultural Education and Exchange, Dialog and Participation</b>  
2000 - 2009 <b>Environmental and Cultural Education and Exchange, Dialog and Participation</b>  
New Agoras for the 21st Century:  Conscious Self-Guided Evolution (with F. Lenser), Fuschl Conversations, IFSR, (2004) [http://open-forum.de/agora-fuschl-lenser-benking.htm]
New Agoras for the 21st Century:  Conscious Self-Guided Evolution (with F. Lenser), Fuschl Conversations, IFSR, (2004) [http://open-forum.de/agora-fuschl-lenser-benking.htm]
NEW AGORAS, Fuschl Conversations, IFSR, (2004), [http://benking.de/dialog/fuschl/img0.html],  
NEW AGORAS, Fuschl Conversations, IFSR, (2004), [http://benking.de/dialog/fuschl/img0.html],  
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2010 - 2016 <b>Environmental and Cultural Education and Exchange/Capacity Building, Dialog and Participation, Peacemaking and Deliberation and Multi-track Diplomacy and Policy-making</b>
2010 - 2016 <b>Environmental and Cultural Education and Exchange/Capacity Building, Dialog and Participation, Peacemaking and Deliberation and Multi-track Diplomacy and Policy-making</b>
Learnings and Vistas based on revisiting 40 years "Global Problematique" (EuropesWold 2010), The Predicament of the Individual, Communities, and Humankind in the 21st Century, Deliberations about Structured Dialogic Design, Systems Thinking, Policy-Making, Multi-track Diplomacy, Empowerment and the Wisdom of the People (EuropesWold 2011), [http://benking.de/EUROPEsWORLD/], Ignorance or Compassion?, Ecological Awareness: Exploring Religion, Ethics and Aesthetics, (LIT 2011) [https://books.google.de/books?hl=en&lr=&id=6ZAZU_2bdR8C&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=%22Heiner+Benking%22&ots=GGTmcVoQ0B&sig=GL0ZK2TB7uEtGzkfRcrlZ2DwFq0#v=onepage&q=%22Heiner%20Benking%22&f=false], Formal Ontology and Principles of Knowledge Organization: An Axiomatic Approach, (with H. Herre) (ISKO 2013), [http://www.isko-de.org/data/uploads/2013_Herre_Benking.pdf], paper: [http://www.isko-de.org/data/uploads/2013_Herre_Benking.pdf], Strategic Articulation of Actions to Cope with the Huge Challenges of our World Today, Sustainable Alternatives for Poverty Reduction and Eco-Justice: Institute for 21st Century Agoras, (Cambridge Scholars 2014), [http://www.cambridgescholars.com/sustainable-alternatives-for-poverty-reduction-and-eco-justice], Learning about cybersystemic governance from Limits to Growth, Governing the Anthopocene - Cyber-Systemic Possibilities (Volkswagen Stiftung, HUB-WINS, ISSS) 2015, Progamme: [http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/govan/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Programme_Herrenhausen_Systemic_Inquiry-final.pdf] site: [https://www.wins.hu-berlin.de/events/governing-the-anthropocene-cyber-systemic-possibilities], slides: [http://weturn.org/BENKING-Inquiry-Herrenhausen.pdf], Ignorance or Compassion? - Limits and potentials of human concepts, maps and models with regard to nature (2011), LIT Verlag [http://www.lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-8258-1950-7] (PDF) [http://benking.de/futures/ECOTHEE--ignorance-compassion.pdf] - Viewing Trees and Woods: Connecting Dots, Links, Sectors, and Frames (2015) [http://www.pelicanweb.org/solisustv11n10page5.html], - “The Magic Roundtable; challenges of bridging/combining benefits of traditional gifting and modern “sharing” (WORK IN PROGRESS May 2016) [https://docs.google.com/document/d/196szQuv_X9FmTbb15AxIkaMOf3lwZ0KqyspSuPmOBak/edit?usp=sharing],  (Mother Pelican Trilogy 2014-16) - Viewing Trees and Woods: (reprint) [http://www.pelicanweb.org/solisustv11n10page5.html] Commons Action for the United Nations (reprint): [http://www.commonsactionfortheunitednations.org/our-work/ejournal/viewing-trees-and-woods-connecting-dots-links-sectors-and-frames/] Global Youth Conferences (2010-2016) [http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v396/__show_article/_a000396-000135.htm], [http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v396/__show_article/_a000396-000106.htm], [http://www.klewel.com/blog/2010/11/16/global-youth-conference-on-climate-change-and-sustainable-development/], Future Ready Now (2016) [http://future-ready-now.io/frn02-berlin-germany-september-262015/]
Learnings and Vistas based on revisiting 40 years "Global Problematique" (EuropesWold 2010), The Predicament of the Individual, Communities, and Humankind in the 21st Century, Deliberations about Structured Dialogic Design, Systems Thinking, Policy-Making, Multi-track Diplomacy, Empowerment and the Wisdom of the People (EuropesWold 2011), [http://benking.de/EUROPEsWORLD/], Ignorance or Compassion?, Ecological Awareness: Exploring Religion, Ethics and Aesthetics, (LIT 2011) [https://books.google.de/books?hl=en&lr=&id=6ZAZU_2bdR8C&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=%22Heiner+Benking%22&ots=GGTmcVoQ0B&sig=GL0ZK2TB7uEtGzkfRcrlZ2DwFq0#v=onepage&q=%22Heiner%20Benking%22&f=false], Formal Ontology and Principles of Knowledge Organization: An Axiomatic Approach, (with H. Herre) (ISKO 2013), [http://www.isko-de.org/data/uploads/2013_Herre_Benking.pdf], paper: [http://www.isko-de.org/data/uploads/2013_Herre_Benking.pdf], Strategic Articulation of Actions to Cope with the Huge Challenges of our World Today, Sustainable Alternatives for Poverty Reduction and Eco-Justice: Institute for 21st Century Agoras, (Cambridge Scholars 2014), [http://www.cambridgescholars.com/sustainable-alternatives-for-poverty-reduction-and-eco-justice], Learning about cybersystemic governance from Limits to Growth, Governing the Anthopocene - Cyber-Systemic Possibilities (Volkswagen Stiftung, HUB-WINS, ISSS) 2015, Progamme: [http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/govan/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Programme_Herrenhausen_Systemic_Inquiry-final.pdf] site: [https://www.wins.hu-berlin.de/events/governing-the-anthropocene-cyber-systemic-possibilities], slides: [http://weturn.org/BENKING-Inquiry-Herrenhausen.pdf], Ignorance or Compassion? - Limits and potentials of human concepts, maps and models with regard to nature (2011), LIT Verlag [http://www.lit-verlag.de/isbn/3-8258-1950-7] (PDF) [http://benking.de/futures/ECOTHEE--ignorance-compassion.pdf] - Viewing Trees and Woods: Connecting Dots, Links, Sectors, and Frames (2015) [http://www.pelicanweb.org/solisustv11n10page5.html], - “The Magic Roundtable; challenges of bridging/combining benefits of traditional gifting and modern “sharing” (WORK IN PROGRESS May 2016) [https://docs.google.com/document/d/196szQuv_X9FmTbb15AxIkaMOf3lwZ0KqyspSuPmOBak/edit?usp=sharing],  (Mother Pelican Trilogy 2014-16) - Viewing Trees and Woods: (reprint) [http://www.pelicanweb.org/solisustv11n10page5.html] Commons Action for the United Nations (reprint): [http://www.commonsactionfortheunitednations.org/our-work/ejournal/viewing-trees-and-woods-connecting-dots-links-sectors-and-frames/] Global Youth Conferences (2010-2016) [http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v396/__show_article/_a000396-000135.htm], [http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v396/__show_article/_a000396-000106.htm], [http://www.klewel.com/blog/2010/11/16/global-youth-conference-on-climate-change-and-sustainable-development/], Future Ready Now (2016) [http://future-ready-now.io/frn02-berlin-germany-september-262015/]

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Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Datenpräsentation durch Computergrafik im Umweltbereich, Informatikanwendungen im Umweltbereich, 2. Symposium, Springer acm, (1987),  [http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=713966], Neue Horizonte und Orientierungen dank einer Architektur für Denkräume, MENSCH- MASSE- MEDIEN - Interaktion und Manipulation, IFG - HfG Ulm 81996) [http://benking.de/IFGestaltung_Ulm.html], Fluchtwelten oder Sinnwelten - Cyberspace als Spielzeug und Orientierungshilfe?, Künstliche Paradiese - Virtuelle Realitäten - Künstliche Räume in Literatur-, Sozial- und Naturwissenschaften [http://benking.de/sinn-fluchtwelten.html] (Wilhelm Fink Verlag 1997)  [https://www.fink.de/katalog/titel/978-3-7705-3253-7.html], Ohne Zusammenhang kein Zusammenhalt, Kultur der Verweigerung, Bölau (1999) [http://benking.de/verweigerung.html], Die Neuen Medien - Eine Kommunikative Gesellschaft ? Studium generale, Humboldt - Universität zu Berlin (2000) [http://benking.de/dialog/fuschl/img15.html],  Realität und Virtualität der Berge, UN Year of the Mountains, Raum und Virtualität: Potential oder Leere? Die Bergwelt als Beispiel und Ursprung für den Zugang und die Auseinandersetzung mit "neuen" Welten (2002) [http://benking.de/virtuality-reality-mountains2002.htm], Alte und Neue Räume, - Ordnungen und - Modelle für Orientierungen, Vereinbarungen und Konstruktionen, (2006) Bericht: Neues & altes, pragmatisches & gemeinsames kommunizieren, lernen, entscheiden und handeln, (mit F. Lenser) Gesprächs- und Entscheidungskultur: Rundgespräche und Vereinbarungen als Elemente einer wünschenswerten, zukünftigen Zivilgesellschaft, INST - TUAC, Skizzen für Weltbilder und Welthäuser, Postmaterialismus 4: Die Natur: Passagen Verlag (2003),[http://benking.de/skizzen-2003.htm] .... Lernen ...., Foucault, Wissenswelten: Gedanken zur Organisation und Orientierung, Macht - Wissen – Gesellschaft, TÜTE, ZUKÜNFTE  [http://benking.de/foucault.html] – PDF [http://benking.de/foucault.pdf], Mit anderen Augen sehen – Ein Welthaus verbindet Wirklichkeiten, Hagia Chora, [http://benking.de/hagia-chora2005] [2005) PDF: [http://benking.de/HAGIA_CHORA-KulturellKreativ_21.pdf]
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Datenpräsentation durch Computergrafik im Umweltbereich, Informatikanwendungen im Umweltbereich, 2. Symposium, Springer acm, (1987),  [http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=713966], Neue Horizonte und Orientierungen dank einer Architektur für Denkräume, MENSCH- MASSE- MEDIEN - Interaktion und Manipulation, IFG - HfG Ulm 81996) [http://benking.de/IFGestaltung_Ulm.html], Fluchtwelten oder Sinnwelten - Cyberspace als Spielzeug und Orientierungshilfe?, Künstliche Paradiese - Virtuelle Realitäten - Künstliche Räume in Literatur-, Sozial- und Naturwissenschaften [http://benking.de/sinn-fluchtwelten.html] (Wilhelm Fink Verlag 1997)  [https://www.fink.de/katalog/titel/978-3-7705-3253-7.html], Ohne Zusammenhang kein Zusammenhalt, Kultur der Verweigerung, Bölau (1999) [http://benking.de/verweigerung.html], Die Neuen Medien - Eine Kommunikative Gesellschaft ? Studium generale, Humboldt - Universität zu Berlin (2000) [http://benking.de/dialog/fuschl/img15.html],  Realität und Virtualität der Berge, UN Year of the Mountains, Raum und Virtualität: Potential oder Leere? Die Bergwelt als Beispiel und Ursprung für den Zugang und die Auseinandersetzung mit "neuen" Welten (2002) [http://benking.de/virtuality-reality-mountains2002.htm], Alte und Neue Räume, - Ordnungen und - Modelle für Orientierungen, Vereinbarungen und Konstruktionen, (2006) Bericht: Neues & altes, pragmatisches & gemeinsames kommunizieren, lernen, entscheiden und handeln, (mit F. Lenser) Gesprächs- und Entscheidungskultur: Rundgespräche und Vereinbarungen als Elemente einer wünschenswerten, zukünftigen Zivilgesellschaft, INST - TUAC, Skizzen für Weltbilder und Welthäuser, Postmaterialismus 4: Die Natur: Passagen Verlag (2003),[http://benking.de/skizzen-2003.htm] .... Lernen ...., Foucault, Wissenswelten: Gedanken zur Organisation und Orientierung, Macht - Wissen – Gesellschaft, TÜTE, ZUKÜNFTE  [http://benking.de/foucault.html] – PDF [http://benking.de/foucault.pdf], Mit anderen Augen sehen – Ein Welthaus verbindet Wirklichkeiten, Hagia Chora, [http://benking.de/hagia-chora2005] [2005) PDF: [http://benking.de/HAGIA_CHORA-KulturellKreativ_21.pdf]

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spielerisch querdenken W. Spielmann
spielerisch querdenken W. Spielmann

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Wien, Wien
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Santiago !?


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