SDDP Reinventing Democracy - Actions (American Initiative)

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SDDP Reinventing Democracy in the Digital Era (UNDEF) Report
SDDP Reinventing Democracy in the Digital Era (UNDEF) Report
Report Title Reinventing Democracy in the Digital Era (UNDEF) Report
Triggering Question ""What concrete action, project or product would you propose to solve a particular shortcoming of current systems of governance?""
Project Reinventing Democracy in the Digital Era (UNDEF)
Author(s) Yiannis Laouris
Roxana Gardenas
Nicolina Karaolia
Olivia Constantinou
Total Duration 737 person hrs
Statistics Participants= 15
Number of ideas=71
Number of Clusters=8
Ideas received Votes=26
Ideas on MAP R=26
Spreadthink ST=31.8%
Dates December 3-7, 2016
Link (insert initiative report link)

Executive Summary

This paper reports the results of the second of a series of workshops organized by Future Worlds Center under the auspices of UNDEF. The dialogue was implemented in the context of the Reinventing Democracy in the Digital Era (UNDEF) project. The purpose of this project was to bring together young people from all around the world in an attempt to take apart and reconstruct the concept of democracy. The workshop was organized using the structured dialogic design process (SDDP) approach within the context of a rich web-based communication environment. This Co-Laboratoty was organized using the Structured Democratic Dialogue Process (SDDP) approach within the context of a rich web-based communication environment. It is organized by American Initiative.

The Triggering Question (TQ) was
"What concrete action, project or product would you propose to solve a particular shortcoming of current systems of governance?"

In response to the TQ, the 15 participants came up with 71 Actions, which were categorized in 8 clusters. Following the voting process, 26 ideas received one or more votes and were structured to create the influence MAP shown below.

Influence Map.
Influence tree from the Characteristics SDDP of the Reinventing Democracy workshop for TQ

According to the participants of this workshop, appear to be the most influential were:

  • Action Plan 22,Initiate models of discussion of the law and the media existing in different levels and years of education (Iniciar modelos de discusion de proyectos de ley, mediaticos, actuales en los distintos niveles y años educativos).
  • Action Plan 15,Develop an exchange platform with services offered to save the world (Desarrollar una plataforma de intercambio donde se ofrescan servicios para salvar al mundo).
  • Action Plan 52: To work together with social organizations (Trabajar en conjunto con organizaciones sociales).
  • Action plan 78: Create a citizen dialogue for solving problems. (Crear un dialogo ciudadano para la solucion de problemas).
  • Action plan 45: Create a project to promote citizen participation through alternative mechanisms (Crear un proyecto para fomentar la participacion ciudadana a traves de mecanimos alternativos).
  • Action plan 33: Application of a participatory budget at the neighborhood level (Aplicacion de un presupuesto participativo a nivel barrio).



Name Country
Agustina Gricolo Argentina
Ana Figueroa Argentina
Carolina Beron Argentina
Emil Rodriguez Argentina
Francisco Villatore Costa Rica / San Salvador
Gustavo Ortiz Costa Rica
Jairo Iván Matus Contrera Nicaragua
Lina María_Jaramillo_Rojas Colombia
Marcos David Dominguez Argentina
Maria Angela Regis Argentina
Mariana Rojas Colombia
Mariano Schmidt Argentina
Nicolas Jares Argentina
Nicolas Muñoz Arango Colombia
Rodrigo Ivan Avalos Argentina

Final Report