Futuro digitale

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Futuro Digitale, hereafter FD, is a Liaison organization of Reinventing Democracy in the Digital Era.

Futuro Digitale is an association with branches in 3 regions (Calabria, headquarter and operational offices, Lazio and Campania), composed by 19 members and 7 collaborators with different educational background and professional experience. The aim of FD is to promote the empowerment of young people through the creation of real opportunities for educational and professional development and stimulate the youth entrepreneurship in an international environment using various models and opportunities such as e-learning and in-class training, mentoring, vocational placements, customized working experiences, youth exchanges.

FD operates according to the principles of Policoro Project, with the aim of creating growth opportunities in social, cultural and technological sectors, inspired by the union between local development and social inclusion in an European context, with the understanding that the full social integration of people, in particular young people, is prerequisite for the development of the territory.

In order to accomplish its MISSION Futuro Digitale:
• empowerment of young people;
• educate for citizenship European solidarity;
• promote intercultural dialogue in Europe and between the countries of the Mediterranean;
• promote youth entrepreneurship in a European context and the development of creative industries, with specific activities contributing to the employability of young people;
• promote the training and non-formal educational activities also to improve the skills of young people;
• promote and contribute to the reduction of the digital divide;
• strengthen the European dimension in a perspective of peaceful coexistence among the peoples of the world, in collaboration with associations in other countries;
• promote, develop and accommodate research and experimentation in the teaching field, along the lines of a new professional meeting the dynamics of society and culture;
• stimulate, in cooperation with other associations, all initiatives that promote and enhance the professionalism of the staff of the school;
• promote innovative initiatives and experience of orientation and connection in the transition from secondary school to university and / or the world of work;
• promote and experiment with innovative ways to allow the participation in education and vocational training of citizens of all ages and / or belonging to bands of social disadvantage;
• participate in research and development of technologies aimed at facilitating learning in all fields and to the spread of education and vocational training through modern channels of communication at a distance.

We work with young people:
• Training on SO-CALLED Key Competences European;
• Support self-employment and entrepreneurship;
• Participatory approach in the preparation of project proposals;
• Promotion of European opportunities;
• Support outreach to the creation of new businesses and youth organizations;
• Support the use of new technologies in various sectors
• Promote, through opportunities for mobility, cooperation between educational, social partners and the private sector at national and transnational level to produce results of high quality learning "in an intercultural dimension" to increase the competitiveness of students who will enter the market job;
• Promote training courses designed to develop new skills for new jobs and help in the basic studies for the recognition of learning outcomes and qualifications (ECVET);
• Promote the importance and the impact of student mobility through the issuance of certificates Europass Mobility intended to recognize the skills acquired abroad;
• To carry out activities for the prevention and fighting of juvenile uneasiness and promote social inclusion.

Some numbers: Projects
 16 projects Erasmus+ KA1 carried out in 2013/2014
 25 projects Erasmus+ KA1 carried out in 2015
 4 projects Erasmus+ KA1 EVS as Sending Organisation
 2 project EVS as Coordinating Organisation
 5 projects Erasmus+ KA2 still running
 2 projects Erasmus+ KA3 still running
 1 project financed by an Italian Foundation

Web site: www.futurodigitale.org
E-mail: info@futurodigitale.org
Whatsapp: +39 338 885 1460
Facebook: www.facebook.com/associazionefuturodigitale
Twitter: www.twitter.com/futuro_digitale
National ID Code: 94024300785
PIC Number: 949176429