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Consultative - Mediation "cook-book" "Ein Verfahren optimaler Entscheidungsfindung" (1989-1997 (ongoing) [http://www.consultative.de]  [http://benking.de/consultative-lenkungskreis.htm], Geo-/Object-Coding for Local-Change Assessment, (Geo-Jounal, Springer 1990)[2], GLOBAL CHANGE - Challenges to Science and Politics, exhibition and concepts, invited partner since 1997 curator, German Cancellery, Bonn (1990) [http://benking.de/Global-Change/system-earth-posters.html] (PDF) [http://benking.de/futures/Poster-Global-Change-1990.pdf], Harmonization of environmental measurement (with h. Keune) GeoJournal, Springer 1991)[http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00204842#page-1], LOCAL AND GLOBAL CHANGE, hall and co-op with Alfred Wegener Foundation, Geotechnica Fair, Cologne (1991) [http://benking.de/Global-Change/local-global-change-1991.html],  Access and Assimilation: Pivotal environmental information challenges, Geo-Jounal, [http://www.benking.de/ceptualinstitute/access-assimilation.html] (Springer 1992) [http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF02629811], ICSU-CODATA Trilogy: Bridges and a Masterplan for Islands of Data in a Labyrinth of Environmental and Economic Information, Beijing, 1992, A Conceptual Superstructure of Knowledge - Quality and Content in Organisation, Management and Awareness, with W.D. Grossmann, Chambery 1994, Granularity, Topicality, and Generalization of Information - Reflections about maps and models, orienting generalizations and their possible pragmatic and ethical implications and challenges [http://www.benking.de/Global-Change/ICSU-CODATA-1994-Chambery.html], Granularity, Topicality, and Generalization of Information, CODATA [http://www.codata-germany.org/ISGI_2005/ISGI_Order_Information.pdf]-ISGI [http://benking.de/systems/codata/ISGI_general-benking.htm] & Using Maps and Models, SuperSigns and SuperStructures, CODATA-MIST, Berlin (2005) [http://benking.de/systems/codata/CODATA-MIST2005.htm], Harmonization of environmental meta‐information with a thesaurus‐based multi‐lingual and multi‐medial information system, (with U. Kampffmeyer) (ESSIS, [http://benking.de/Global-Change/ISY_ESSIC-1992.pdf] Pasadena, AIP 1993)[http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.44482], Visual access strategies for multi-dimensional objects and issues: (WFSF, FAW 1993), Proposing a Conceptual Superstructure - A Work-Report of a Vision, (FID XX, Melbourne, 1994), Design Considerations for Spatial Metaphors - reflections on the evolution of viewpoint transportation systems (with A.Judge), Edinburgh (acm-ECHT, 1994) [https://www.laetusinpraesens.org/docs/spatialm.php], A Metaparadigm or Sharable Framework (Cognitive Panorama), Spatial and Spacial, Setting Common Frames of Reference, Spacial Knowledge Maps and Knowledge Models, Spacial Knowledge Maps and Knowledge Models, (KnowMap Trilogy 1992-95) [http://benking.de/benking_mapping.htm], Viewsletter, Club of Budapest (Editor and Coordinator) [http://benking.de/viewsletter/], 1995-98, International corner and GLOBAL Change exhibition, at UN Climate Summmit, Berlin (1995,  DaZiBao, International Peace University, Berlin 1995 [http://benking.de/viewsletter/], A Metaparadigm or Sharable Framework, COGNITIVES PANORAMA  & A Paradigm Shift? Orchestrating Representations Like Knowledge Trees and Knowledge Spaces [http://benking.de/benkingtxt.html] (Concil of Europe: New Ideas in Science & Art, New Spaces [http://web.archive.org/web/20020210154031/http://pconf.terminal.cz/agenda.html 1996]), [http://benking.de/meta-paradigm.htm], EMBODYING SYNTHETICACIAL MEANINGS AND SITUATIONS, Club of Budapest Planetary Consiousness Series 1-4, ISSS - COB (1996) [http://benking.de/ISSS/ISSS_COB-1996.html], A House of Horizons and Perspectives - a cognitive deep openspace for positioning, comparing, merging and morphing our metaphors, models, maps and view, ISSS - ISIS, "The Compatibility of Social Systems" (1998), Creating, Blending, Concerting, and Sharing, Global Workplaces of the Mind, Symbol Grounding in the Cognitive Panorama (3Space/Time), Worldly Expressions of the Integral, JEAN GEBSER SOCIETY (1998), [http://benking.de/gebser2001.html], CONCEPT AND CONTEXT MAPPING - TOWARDS COMMON FRAMES OF REFERENCE, TKE 1996, [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/terminology.htm], MAN- MASS- MEDIA - Interaction and Manipulation, New Horizons and Orientation Thanks to a New Mental Architecture, (HfG Ulm 1996), Robust Paths to Global Stability: Tough but Feasible (with Radermacher, Malaska, Fliedner,...), The Optics of Ethics, WFSF, Nairobi (1995), Sharing and Changing Realities with Extra Degrees of Freedom of Movement, Computation for Metaphors, Life-Like Agents, Imitation & Embodiment, Analogies Aizu, 1997, [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/landscape.htm],  
Consultative - Mediation "cook-book" "Ein Verfahren optimaler Entscheidungsfindung" (1989-1997 (ongoing) [http://www.consultative.de]  [http://benking.de/consultative-lenkungskreis.htm], Geo-/Object-Coding for Local-Change Assessment, (Geo-Jounal, Springer 1990)[2], GLOBAL CHANGE - Challenges to Science and Politics, exhibition and concepts, invited partner since 1997 curator, German Cancellery, Bonn (1990) [http://benking.de/Global-Change/system-earth-posters.html] (PDF) [http://benking.de/futures/Poster-Global-Change-1990.pdf], Harmonization of environmental measurement (with h. Keune) GeoJournal, Springer 1991)[http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00204842#page-1], LOCAL AND GLOBAL CHANGE, hall and co-op with Alfred Wegener Foundation, Geotechnica Fair, Cologne (1991) [http://benking.de/Global-Change/local-global-change-1991.html],  Access and Assimilation: Pivotal environmental information challenges, Geo-Jounal, [http://www.benking.de/ceptualinstitute/access-assimilation.html] (Springer 1992) [http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF02629811], ICSU-CODATA Trilogy: Bridges and a Masterplan for Islands of Data in a Labyrinth of Environmental and Economic Information, Beijing, 1992, A Conceptual Superstructure of Knowledge - Quality and Content in Organisation, Management and Awareness, with W.D. Grossmann, Chambery 1994, Granularity, Topicality, and Generalization of Information - Reflections about maps and models, orienting generalizations and their possible pragmatic and ethical implications and challenges [http://www.benking.de/Global-Change/ICSU-CODATA-1994-Chambery.html], Granularity, Topicality, and Generalization of Information, CODATA [http://www.codata-germany.org/ISGI_2005/ISGI_Order_Information.pdf]-ISGI [http://benking.de/systems/codata/ISGI_general-benking.htm] & Using Maps and Models, SuperSigns and SuperStructures, CODATA-MIST, Berlin (2005) [http://benking.de/systems/codata/CODATA-MIST2005.htm], Harmonization of environmental meta‐information with a thesaurus‐based multi‐lingual and multi‐medial information system, (with U. Kampffmeyer) (ESSIS, [http://benking.de/Global-Change/ISY_ESSIC-1992.pdf] Pasadena, AIP 1993)[http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/proceeding/aipcp/10.1063/1.44482], Visual access strategies for multi-dimensional objects and issues: (WFSF, FAW 1993), Proposing a Conceptual Superstructure - A Work-Report of a Vision, (FID XX, Melbourne, 1994), Design Considerations for Spatial Metaphors - reflections on the evolution of viewpoint transportation systems (with A.Judge), Edinburgh (acm-ECHT, 1994) [https://www.laetusinpraesens.org/docs/spatialm.php], A Metaparadigm or Sharable Framework (Cognitive Panorama), Spatial and Spacial, Setting Common Frames of Reference, Spacial Knowledge Maps and Knowledge Models, Spacial Knowledge Maps and Knowledge Models, (KnowMap Trilogy 1992-95) [http://benking.de/benking_mapping.htm], Viewsletter, Club of Budapest (Editor and Coordinator) [http://benking.de/viewsletter/], 1995-98, International corner and GLOBAL Change exhibition, at UN Climate Summmit, Berlin (1995,  DaZiBao, International Peace University, Berlin 1995 [http://benking.de/viewsletter/], A Metaparadigm or Sharable Framework, COGNITIVES PANORAMA  & A Paradigm Shift? Orchestrating Representations Like Knowledge Trees and Knowledge Spaces [http://benking.de/benkingtxt.html] (Concil of Europe: New Ideas in Science & Art, New Spaces [http://web.archive.org/web/20020210154031/http://pconf.terminal.cz/agenda.html 1996]), [http://benking.de/meta-paradigm.htm], EMBODYING SYNTHETICACIAL MEANINGS AND SITUATIONS, Club of Budapest Planetary Consiousness Series 1-4, ISSS - COB (1996) [http://benking.de/ISSS/ISSS_COB-1996.html], A House of Horizons and Perspectives - a cognitive deep openspace for positioning, comparing, merging and morphing our metaphors, models, maps and view, ISSS - ISIS, "The Compatibility of Social Systems" (1998), Creating, Blending, Concerting, and Sharing, Global Workplaces of the Mind, Symbol Grounding in the Cognitive Panorama (3Space/Time), Worldly Expressions of the Integral, JEAN GEBSER SOCIETY (1998), [http://benking.de/gebser2001.html], CONCEPT AND CONTEXT MAPPING - TOWARDS COMMON FRAMES OF REFERENCE, TKE 1996, [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/terminology.htm], MAN- MASS- MEDIA - Interaction and Manipulation, New Horizons and Orientation Thanks to a New Mental Architecture, (HfG Ulm 1996), Robust Paths to Global Stability: Tough but Feasible (with Radermacher, Malaska, Fliedner,...), The Optics of Ethics, WFSF, Nairobi (1995), Sharing and Changing Realities with Extra Degrees of Freedom of Movement, Computation for Metaphors, Life-Like Agents, Imitation & Embodiment, Analogies Aizu, 1997, [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/landscape.htm],  
Interface for Cultural Heritage - Cultural Dimensions of Interspaces, (with Kim Veltman),  [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/visualization.htm], Advanced Visual Interfaces  AVI'98, [], Embodying Situations & Issues: Sharing Contexts, and Encouraging Dialogue, International Federation for Systems Research, [http://www.ifsr.org/index.php/embodying-situations-issues-sharing-contexts-and-encouraging-dialogue/],
Interface for Cultural Heritage - Cultural Dimensions of Interspaces, (with Kim Veltman),  [http://benking.de/ceptualinstitute/visualization.htm], Knowledge Organization and education in the age of digital culture:  an outlook, ACCESS MULTIMEDIA AU PATRIMOINE CULTUREL, ARENOTECH, Ptolemee,  Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris 1998 [www.slideshare.net/benking], Écologie de la Nature et Culture - A Knowledge Ecology - for Nature, Culture  & Cyberculture, - for Economy & Ecology, - for Overview, Orientation & Understanding, LA UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID, Dep. Comunicación Audiovisual y Pub. II, ARENOTECH (Association Européenne ART-ÉDUCATION-NOUVELLES TECHNOLOGIES, 1998 [http://www.slideshare.net/benking], Advanced Visual Interfaces  AVI'98, [], Embodying Situations & Issues: Sharing Contexts, and Encouraging Dialogue, International Federation for Systems Research, [http://www.ifsr.org/index.php/embodying-situations-issues-sharing-contexts-and-encouraging-dialogue/]  

2000 - 2009 <b>Environmental and Cultural Education and Exchange, Dialog and Participation</b>  
2000 - 2009 <b>Environmental and Cultural Education and Exchange, Dialog and Participation</b>