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In a nutshell: <b>Journalist - Facilitator - Consultant - Futurist</b>
In a nutshell: <b>Journalist - Facilitator - Consultant - Futurist</b>

Beside volunteering for IHTEC (<b>International Holistic Tourism Education Centre & International School Peace Gardens</b>[http://www.ihtec.org/PrimaryPages/IHTECHome.html] and INBAK - <b>Institute for Sustainability in Education, Work, and Culture</b>[htp://inbak.de] Flyer (PDF) English): http://inbak.de/files/en_nachhaltige-buecherboxx_8seitig.pdf he is since 20+ years also for other UN ECOSOC NGOs, doing "communication and capacity". Presently he is active in the <b>GLOBAL COMMONS ACTION ALLIANCE</b> writing regularily to Heads of States... This is an example on the occation of the UN 2030 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GLOBALS (SDGs) [http://www.commonsactionfortheunitednations.org/our-work/ejournal/viewing-trees-and-woods-connecting-dots-links-sectors-and-frames/] session in 2015.
Beside volunteering for IHTEC (<b>International Holistic Tourism Education Centre & International School Peace Gardens</b>[http://www.ihtec.org/PrimaryPages/IHTECHome.html] and INBAK - <b>Institute for Sustainability in Education, Work, and Culture</b>[htp://inbak.de] Flyer (PDF) English): [http://inbak.de/files/en_nachhaltige-buecherboxx_8seitig.pdf] he is since 20+ years also for other UN ECOSOC NGOs, doing "communication and capacity". Presently he is active in the <b>GLOBAL COMMONS ACTION ALLIANCE</b> writing regularily to Heads of States... This is an example on the occation of the UN 2030 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GLOBALS (SDGs) [http://www.commonsactionfortheunitednations.org/our-work/ejournal/viewing-trees-and-woods-connecting-dots-links-sectors-and-frames/] session in 2015.

Highly recommended in this context is a forthcoming article on <b>"sharing and gifting in traditional and modern times"</b>[https://docs.google.com/document/d/196szQuv_X9FmTbb15AxIkaMOf3lwZ0KqyspSuPmOBak/edit?usp=sharing] and proposals to use SDDP for the CHALLENGES TO HUMANITY of the Millennium Project: http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v396/__show_article/_a000396-000261.htm the CAPS Info Day - CAPS = <b>Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation</b> of the European Commission:[http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v396/__show_article/_a000396-000338.htm] and the Herrenhausen Inquiry: <b>Governing the Anthopocene !? Cyber-Systemic Possibilities ?</b>[http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/govan/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Heiner-Benking.pdf] or [http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v396/__show_article/_a000396-000377.htm] one session was with <b>Alexander Christakis</b>. Inquiry website: http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/govan/?page_id=88 <b>ISSS background</b>:[http://www.monash.edu/sustainability/news/news-archive/articles/systemic-governance-germany-conferences]
Highly recommended in this context is a forthcoming article on <b>"sharing and gifting in traditional and modern times"</b>[https://docs.google.com/document/d/196szQuv_X9FmTbb15AxIkaMOf3lwZ0KqyspSuPmOBak/edit?usp=sharing] and proposals to use SDDP for the CHALLENGES TO HUMANITY of the Millennium Project: http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v396/__show_article/_a000396-000261.htm the CAPS Info Day - CAPS = <b>Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation</b> of the European Commission:[http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v396/__show_article/_a000396-000338.htm] and the Herrenhausen Inquiry: <b>Governing the Anthopocene !? Cyber-Systemic Possibilities ?</b>[http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/govan/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Heiner-Benking.pdf] or [http://www.newciv.org/nl/newslog.php/_v396/__show_article/_a000396-000377.htm] one session was with <b>Alexander Christakis</b>. Inquiry website: http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/govan/?page_id=88 <b>ISSS background</b>:[http://www.monash.edu/sustainability/news/news-archive/articles/systemic-governance-germany-conferences]

Check also the tabular CV for the Anna-Lindh Barcelona Forum 2010: [http://www.open-forum.de/Barcelona-Forum-2010/CV-Heiner_Benking-Anna-Lindh-5-2010.pdf] and the width and depth of the challenges at hand: http://benking.de/ExtraOrder/challenge.html and that we need a "new science, language, thinking, ways of communicating and presenting, as discussed at the Nobel Peace Laureats gathering in Berlin in 2009 in honour of Elinor Ostrom: http://www.slideshare.net/benking/copenhagen-peace-laueats-climate-berlin-selection-2009
Check also the tabular CV for the Anna-Lindh Barcelona Forum 2010: [http://www.open-forum.de/Barcelona-Forum-2010/CV-Heiner_Benking-Anna-Lindh-5-2010.pdf] and the width and depth of the challenges at hand: [http://benking.de/ExtraOrder/challenge.html] and that we need a "new science, language, thinking, ways of communicating and presenting, as discussed at the Nobel Peace Laureats gathering in Berlin in 2009 in honour of Elinor Ostrom: [http://www.slideshare.net/benking/copenhagen-peace-laueats-climate-berlin-selection-2009]

<b>Below you can find some more details, references, ... links</b> with special reference to Dialog and Deliberation around my work with the <b>21stCenturyAgora</b> Institute http://21stCenturyAgora.org and in particular with the <b>FUTURE WORLDS CENTER</b> for its Practitioner Training Workshops: http://www.futureworlds.eu/wiki/Heiner_Benking  
<b>Below you can find some more details, references, ... links</b> with special reference to Dialog and Deliberation around my work with the <b>21stCenturyAgora</b> Institute http://21stCenturyAgora.org and in particular with the <b>FUTURE WORLDS CENTER</b> for its Practitioner Training Workshops: [http://www.futureworlds.eu/wiki/Heiner_Benking]
PLEASE EXCUSE THE REDUNDANCY - the text below needs to be edited a.s.a.p. ! but maybe even loads of diverse data make us think deep, avoid perplexity, and get some extra insights and ideas... so please bear with noise and variety and digest, subsume, and resonate !
PLEASE EXCUSE THE REDUNDANCY - the text below needs to be edited a.s.a.p. ! but maybe even loads of diverse data make us think deep, avoid perplexity, and get some extra insights and ideas... so please bear with noise and variety and digest, subsume, and resonate !