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Short Profile pasted from my <b>General Thinking</b> profile: http://GeneralThinking.com/HEiner
"I had a couple of lifes: technician and engineer, planner, consultant, sales and marketing, infographics coiner, environmental management and research, curator, futurist, educator, facilitator, ... in fields as wide as: environmental education, culture, youth, media,... My funcion is capacitity building along and across scales and cultures in an appreciative, attentive style typical for concerned generalists, thinkers, in-betweeners, hazardeurs, trimtabs, and go-getters... to open dialog and deliberations towards shared positive futures.
In a nutshell: <b>Journalist - Facilitator - Consultant</b>
below you find some more details, references, links with reference to Dialog and Deliberation around my work with the <b>21stCenturyAgora</b> Institute http://21stCenturyAgora.org and in particular with the <b>FUTURE WORLDS CENTER</b> for its Practitioner Training Workshops: http://www.futureworlds.eu/wiki/Heiner_Benking
'''Heiner Benking''' [http://benking.de/heiner-benking.jpg]] is a strong supporter of structured dialogue and of [[Future Worlds Center]].  He has been collaborating with [[Aleco Christakis]] and many of the historic figures who have pioneered in the establishment of the science of dialogic design. He has attended the [[3rd International SDDP Facilitators Training School]], which he has promoted publishing articles, such as the [[Commentary about the 3rd International Training School for SDD]]. He has also written an article following an interview he has taken from [[Aleco Christakis]] during the school <ref>[http://www.europesworld.org/NewEnglish/Home_old/CommunityPosts/tabid/809/PostID/2711/language/en-US/Default.aspx Interview of Aleco Christakis about the School by Heiner Benking]</ref> and on earlier occasions to revisit the foundational phase of the Club of Rome (1968-1970) <ref>[http://benking.de/EUROPEsWORLD/ Interview of Aleco Christakis about the [[Club of Rome]] by Heiner Benking]</ref> Heiner served the International Peace University project in the early 90ies and helped to establish the Club of Budapest as its first editor and international co-ordinator, after invited as Creative Member. He worked with Robert Jungk in the early 90ies and established with Bob's collegue Rüdiger Lutz Future Lab in Basel. He presently serves in the Board of Positive Nett-Works, and IHTEC, and as secretary of the Council on Global Issues and the Tagore-Einstein-Council, he is in the founding board and Wisdom Council of the Youth-Leader magazine. [http://youth-leader.org]
'''Heiner Benking''' [http://benking.de/heiner-benking.jpg]] is a strong supporter of structured dialogue and of [[Future Worlds Center]].  He has been collaborating with [[Aleco Christakis]] and many of the historic figures who have pioneered in the establishment of the science of dialogic design. He has attended the [[3rd International SDDP Facilitators Training School]], which he has promoted publishing articles, such as the [[Commentary about the 3rd International Training School for SDD]]. He has also written an article following an interview he has taken from [[Aleco Christakis]] during the school <ref>[http://www.europesworld.org/NewEnglish/Home_old/CommunityPosts/tabid/809/PostID/2711/language/en-US/Default.aspx Interview of Aleco Christakis about the School by Heiner Benking]</ref> and on earlier occasions to revisit the foundational phase of the Club of Rome (1968-1970) <ref>[http://benking.de/EUROPEsWORLD/ Interview of Aleco Christakis about the [[Club of Rome]] by Heiner Benking]</ref> Heiner served the International Peace University project in the early 90ies and helped to establish the Club of Budapest as its first editor and international co-ordinator, after invited as Creative Member. He worked with Robert Jungk in the early 90ies and established with Bob's collegue Rüdiger Lutz Future Lab in Basel. He presently serves in the Board of Positive Nett-Works, and IHTEC, and as secretary of the Council on Global Issues and the Tagore-Einstein-Council, he is in the founding board and Wisdom Council of the Youth-Leader magazine. [http://youth-leader.org]