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m (profil of a general thinker, go-getter, media merger and morpher, trimtab, ... check the blog www.quergeist.info)
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For more details pls visit Heiner's BLOG: [http://quergeist.info], the 21stCenturyAgora jumppage [http://21stCenturyAgora.org], his OPEN-FORUM dialog formats jump-page [http://open-forum.de],  and his WIKIPEDIA User page (needs update !!): [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Benking]
For more details pls visit Heiner's BLOG: [http://quergeist.info], the 21stCenturyAgora jumppage [http://21stCenturyAgora.org], his OPEN-FORUM dialog formats jump-page [http://open-forum.de],  and his WIKIPEDIA User page (needs update !!): [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Benking]
and as recently retrieved (10/2011) quite incomplete publications as collected by Google Scholar: [http://benking.de/scholar/GOOGLE_SCHOLAR_October_2011%20_Heiner_Benking.htm]. He updates in his e-mail Signature File "hot" links and recent papers: [http://benking.de/hot/hot.html] recommended is the Youth Media portal Youth-Leader (http://youth-leader.org], the Anna-Lindh-Salon [http://anna-lindh-salon.de], and this TALK-COMMUNICATION video-clip http://vimeo.com/15945332 done for the Entrepreneurship Summit in Berlin: [http://fu-faltin.de/] or this Video from Berlin Speakers' Corner the Brandenburg gate: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzx5wXvAjbc], or the Slides and Interview at Nobel Peace Laureas gathering "breaking down new wall":[http://quergeist.net/Peace-Laueats-Climate-Berlin-Oslo-selection.pdf] or at the Earthfocus Foundation in Geneva: [http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xmp663_heiner-benking-interview_tech]
and as recently retrieved (10/2011) quite incomplete publications as collected by Google Scholar: [http://benking.de/scholar/GOOGLE_SCHOLAR_October_2011%20_Heiner_Benking.htm]. He updates in his e-mail Signature File "hot" links and recent papers: [http://benking.de/hot/hot.html] recommended is the Youth Media portal Youth-Leader (http://youth-leader.org], the Anna-Lindh-Salon [http://anna-lindh-salon.de], and this TALK-COMMUNICATION video-clip http://vimeo.com/15945332 done for the Entrepreneurship Summit in Berlin: [http://fu-faltin.de/] or this Video from Berlin Speakers' Corner the Brandenburg gate: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzx5wXvAjbc], or the Slides and Interview at Nobel Peace Laureas gathering "breaking down new wall":[http://quergeist.net/Peace-Laueats-Climate-Berlin-Oslo-selection.pdf] or at the Earthfocus Foundation in Geneva: [http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xmp663_heiner-benking-interview_tech]
His work is not only about "sharing" but "gifting" in traditional and modern times and how and why this is central to our very fabrik of society and humanity. He has published obout how we encourage and give voice for long: http://weturn.org/Spoons-Beads-Birds-Phaenomenon.pdf An update is due in May 2016 in <b>Mother Pelican - A Journal of Solidarity and Sustainability</b> as the foundational and third part covering his work from many aspects: http://pelicanweb.org/searchresults.html?cx=010446234064063335212%3A-r60rvqu0t8&cof=FORID%3A11&q=benking&sa=Search

Heiner nominated Yiannis Laouris (FWC) in 2010 for the [[Anna Lindh Award to Future Worlds Center]]. 2 years later Yiannis Laouris nominated [http://benking.de/futures/HEINER-Nomination%20ALF%20Award-Benking-SUBMITTED.pdf] Heiner Benking (CV) http://benking.de/futures/CV-Benking-ALF-2012_SUBMITTED.pdf for the Anna Lindh Foundation  '''EuroMed Dialogue Award 2012''': '''Youth for Change, Social Justice and a Shared Development''' successfully, Heiner was "short-listed"...
Heiner nominated Yiannis Laouris (FWC) in 2010 for the [[Anna Lindh Award to Future Worlds Center]]. 2 years later Yiannis Laouris nominated [http://benking.de/futures/HEINER-Nomination%20ALF%20Award-Benking-SUBMITTED.pdf] Heiner Benking (CV) http://benking.de/futures/CV-Benking-ALF-2012_SUBMITTED.pdf for the Anna Lindh Foundation  '''EuroMed Dialogue Award 2012''': '''Youth for Change, Social Justice and a Shared Development''' successfully, Heiner was "short-listed"...